Posts Tagged ‘internet leads’

Direct Mail VS. Email Marketing
Joshua Conklin shares insight on how consumers respond to each direct marketing effort.
More than 60% of people surveyed actually want to see mail in their mailbox, and I mean their postal mailbox, not their email inbox! 
Epsilon just conducted a study of Americans and Canadians (2012 Channel Preference Study) to find out if they still love direct mail. And the resounding answer is YES! 
To quote their latest report, “direct mail is the preferred channel for U.S. and Canadian consumers to receive brand communications in nearly every product and service category including financial services, insurance, general health, cleaning products, food and charitable causes.” 
It seems that PRIVACY motivates people to prefer their mailbox. People simply do not trust the exchange of personal information – such as financial or health details – in an email. 
Almost two thirds of respondents enjoy checking their mailbox every day. Half of the people say they pay more attention to direct mail than email And three quarters say they prefer direct mail because they can read the information at their convenience. 
Not only do they enjoy getting direct mail, they actually open and read it. The same can’t be said for emails. 73% of Americans and 62% of Canadians said they receive a lot of emails that they simply do not open. 
Consumers want a dialogue, a way to express their needs and interests, and they see direct mail as a more trustworthy method of expressing their desires. 
So, if you are not in the mail, you have to ask yourself one question: Why are you ignoring the preferred medium of more than 60% of your prospective customers? 


Joshua Conklin proudly serves as Director of Business Development at and is an authority in the lead generation space. Joshua has over 14 years of experience at developing strategic marketing platforms for the  nations tops lenders and brokers nationwide. MortgageLeads.Org is a pioneer in the mortgage lead generation space providing tailored lead campaigns for a variety of loan types to meet your exact needs and budget. 
Joshua Conklin | Ph: 585-496-7020 | Josh@MortgageLeads.Org | http://www.MortgageLeads.Org


How to Handle Any Objection 
by Joshua Conklin at MortgageLeads.Org 

There are no sales without objections. Objections indicate interest. Objections are signposts that lead you step-by-step toward closing the sale. The fact is, if there are no objections, there is no interest. If there is no interest, there will be no sale. 

Use a Testimonial
As you already know, one of the most powerful ways to eliminate objections is to present testimonial letters from satisfied customers who shared the objection at one time. A sweetheart letter answering a customer’s major concern is a potent way to demolish the objection forever. 

Interpret It as a Question
Aside from using testimonials, another way to deal with objections is for you to take the objection and interpret it as a question. Treat it as a request for more information. Recognize that an objection is a natural customer response to any offering where there is some risk of purchasing. When the prospect says, “It costs too much,” you can respond by saying. “That’s a good question. Why does it cost more than you’re expected to pay?” You then go on to answer the question you have posed. 

Give a Good Reason
Another way to deal with an objection is to treat it as if the customer is asking you for a reason to eliminate the objection. If the customer says, “I can’t afford it,” you can imagine that the customer is really saying, “Show me how I can justify spending this amount of money.”

Make It Easy to Object
Above all, make it easy to object. Most customers do not want to get into an argument or a debate with you over your product or service. They will be reluctant to object for feat that you will become upset or adamant. For this reason you must make it easy for the customer to object by responding in a cheerful, friendly, constructive way when he does. 

Listen Carefully
When you get an objection, hear it out completely. Don’t assume that you know what the prospect is going to say. Often the prospect will begin with an objection you’ve heard before, but then will add her own particular concern or problem at the end. Be patient. Practice your listening skills. Pause before replying. Question for clarification. 

Objection Versus Condition
Determine whether the customer’s response is an objection or a condition. An objection is something that you can answer. It is a problem for which there is a solution. It is an obstacle than can be removed on the way to making the sale. A condition, however, is a genuine reason for not going ahead. If a person has no money, this is a condition that renders buying impossible. 

Welcome Objections
Objections are a standard and predictable part of any sales conversation. We’ve all had previous experiences with products and services that were disappointing. We do not want to have those experiences again. Your job is to be patient, polite, and positive, asking good questions and listening intently to the answers. If you are courteous and persistent, eventually the prospect will tell you why he might be hesitating and give you an opportunity to answer his question and close the sale. 

Action Exercise
Determine the one thing that a prospect might be convinced of to go ahead and buy your product or service, concentrate on finding

Thank you and happy closing

Your friends at
Joshua Conklin
Dir. Business Development


Weekend Leads Convert 20% Better Then Weekday Leads.


Are weekend leads worth the money? More importantly, is it worth staffing weekends to take advantage of these leads?


A recent study suggests the answer to these questions is YES and YES. Leads generated over the weekend convert 20% better than weekday leads, even if you do nothing more than buy them and work them during the typical workweek. What’s more, if weekend leads are worked with the same intensity as their weekday counterparts they have an even higher chance of converting. This is according to a new study conducted looked at the performance of nearly a quarter million leads over a one-year period.


Weekend Leads by the Numbers Contrary to what some may think, the findings from our research suggest more serious consumers are using discretionary time on the weekend to get work done and expect a timely response from lenders. Therefore, those lenders that staff up and more aggressively work weekend leads could gain an edge on competitors.


If a company works weekend leads with the same intensity as weekday leads, the weekend generated leads perform even better. If a weekend lead is contacted it converts 32% better, if it is quoted 51% better and if it is contacted in the first 5 minutes, it converts 100% better than weekday leads.


Despite the solid performance, fewer than 29% of lead purchasers in the study purchased more than 10 weekend leads per month and less than 4% had a significant weekend lead buying strategy purchasing more than 100 weekend leads per month. What’s more, weekend leads aren’t getting worked as hard. Response times to weekend leads were an average of 71% slower than weekday leads. | Josh Conklin | 800-848-7086


What You Need to Succeed with Internet Leads
Do you feel overwhelmed by all the possibilities the Internet offers, and don’t know where to start?

Are you receiving leads by more traditional means, and are reluctant to start buying Internet Leads?

Did you know that the volume, consistency, and potential revenue that Internet leads offer is unmatched by any other marketing method?

As the economy has slowed, many businesses have found the steady increases in revenue and easy sales of the last several years increasingly elusive. The systems and processes that worked in a hot market no longer produce consistent and predictable return. 

Changing Your Thinking-And Your Business: Using Internet leads requires that a company embrace an entirely new model for doing business and create enthusiasm and incentives for the new approach from the CEO to the lead-qualifying staff.

The Limitless Possibilities: Even if you are running a successful business and making money, your possibilities for more growth are almost virtually limitless.

The Need For The Right Lead Management System:Internet Leads require a Lead Management System that fits your needs like a glove.

Josh Conklin
Dir Business Development 
Mortgage Leads .ORG
Exclusive Mortgage Leads That CLOSE!Image

Once you decide what you want out of life, you can map out a path to your success because you can weigh each decision you make based on whether it helps achieve your goal. Here are threImage steps to help get you on track for success in 2013.

Determine your primary goal. Decide what one thing you want to accomplish. The more concrete, specific and realistic you are the easier it will be to achieve. Further, write down your goal. Even better, post a copy of it where you can see it a few times a day so the message is reinforced. Issue: If you make a list of objectives, you’re setting yourself up for failure since you’ll spend your time bouncing from one thing to another without making any progress achieving any one of them.

Develop a plan for achieving your objective. Don’t keep doing what you’ve always done and expect that you’ll achieve your goal. You need to have a step-by-step strategy to guide you through your journey. Issue: You must be flexible and adapt your plan to deal with any issue, good or bad, that arises. 

Set milestones to track your progress. Like any business strategy, it’s important to have a series of interim sub-goals and to measure your progress towards achieving them. Issue: Here’s a point where people often make a mistake. Instead of taking the time to measure their progress and celebrate achieving each accomplishment they plow ahead. As a result, they never build a sense of success.

The bottom line is that to succeed you must determine what your goals are, create a plan to achieve them, and track your progress. Remember it’s important to continually assess your progress and to celebrate your triumphs, no matter how small or personal.

Joshua Conklin
Mortgage Internet Leads That Close 

Americans are not Shopping Smart for Mortgage Loans Josh Conklin smart mortgage leads for smart lenders

Joshua R. Conklin mortgage marketing expert http://www.mortgageleads.ORG

There is a reason our clients close a high percentage of our telemarketed mortgage leads, quality. We target specific groups of homeowners and areas so we are able to provide interested customers right to your door. None of our telemarketing mortgage leads are generated online or through direct mail marketing. We run a custom campaign for your company and cold call homeowners on your behalf. We only generate the number of telemarketing leads you need each day.


You may be wondering why our clients have so much success with our telemarketing mortgage leads. That’s due to the quality control we have with every lead generated as well as how we warm the lead to your phone call. We us name repetition over the phone so the homeowner remembers your company name as well as the telemarketer’s name. Therefore, when you contact the mortgage lead they know who you are and why you’re calling. We pride ourselves in providing interested prospects and not just information about a homeowner.


Every day the telemarketed leads generated are entered into our system for filtering. The next morning we email or fax the number of refinance leads you requested. Since each campaign is custom you control the number of fresh telemarketed leads you receive each day and what days you receive them.


When a mortgage lead is entered into our system it is verified against our quality control standards. Any refinance lead that does not meet the criteria in our return policy is automatically deleted and never sold. If you ever receive a refi lead which does not qualify under our quality control standards we will replace it free of charge.


Joshua Conklin

Director of Business Development

800-848-7086 Ext: 201